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Code4Lib Community Code of Conduct

Code4Lib seeks to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community and conference experience and ongoing community for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Discriminatory language and imagery (including sexual) is not appropriate for any event venue, including talks, or any community channel such as the chatroom or mailing list.

Harassment is understood as any behavior that threatens another person or group, or produces an unsafe environment. It includes offensive verbal comments or non-verbal expressions related to gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religious beliefs, sexual or discriminatory images in public spaces (including online), deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.


➳ Read and contribute to our full Code of Conduct document on GitHub

Community Support Volunteers

During all days of the conference, including workshops and sponsored evening activities, there will be Community Support Volunteers available to help provide support for anyone who has been harassed, threatened, abused, or feels the CodeOfConduct4Lib has been violated during the conference.

Contacting a Community Support Volunteer

  • Send an email to Only Community Support Volunteers are subscribed to this mailing list, and no archive is kept.
  • Use the anonymous reporting form.
  • Message the @css group on the Code4lib Slack team. You can also ping Community Support by writing a message containing the phrase c4lcss or c4lcsv (no hashtag) in any public channel. Not a member of the Slack team? Sign up here.
  • Message @community_support_volunteers on the Code4Lib Discord

On-Site Community Support Volunteers

Natasha Allen


Natasha Allen

Caleb Derven


Caleb Derven (he/him) is the Head of Digital Scholarship & Library Systems at the University of Limerick.

Thomas Dowling


Image Forthcoming

Bobbi Fox


An old white woman with glasses and wavy long greying brown hair.

Soojeong Herring


A portrait of a woman with black mid length hair and a black dress, holding a vase of red and white flowers.

Ann Marie Mesco


Woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses and a black sweater

Andromeda Yelton


A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.

Online Community Support Volunteers

Community Support Volunteers are also present on various online code4lib platforms, primarily Slack and the livestream. IRC and the #c4l25 conference hashtag feed have some coverage as well, but if you should observe or experience a code of conduct violation on IRC or the hashtag, please contact the community support volunteers via Slack, email, or the anonymous reporting form.

Andrew Battelini


Slack: Andrew Battelini

Image Forthcoming

Mike Giarlo


Slack: mjgiarlo

A white, freckle-faced male with blue eyes, chin-length curly dark brown hair, and a beard is smiling in front of a light green wall. He is wearing a green t-shirt and a grey & green Seattle Supersonics baseball cap.

Soojeong Herring


Slack: Soojeong Herring

A portrait of a woman with black mid length hair and a black dress, holding a vase of red and white flowers.

Kate Lynch


Slack: kat3_drx

Kate Lynch

Michelle S. Navarro


Slack: Michelle S. Navarro

A digital illustration of a woman with short brown hair sitting with a laptop. She is wearing a pink T-shirt. A small black cat is draped over their shoulder with closed eyes. A brown and white ragdoll cat with blue eyes is lying on their lap, partially covering the laptop's keyboard. The laptop is gray with a peach sticker on the back.

Eric Phetteplace


Slack: phette23

A bearded, balding white man smiling slightly in a black and white image.

Community Support Volunteer Schedule


Monday — 8:30am - 11am

Woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses and a black sweater

Ann Marie Mesco

Caleb Derven (he/him) is the Head of Digital Scholarship & Library Systems at the University of Limerick.

Caleb Derven

Monday — 11am - 1pm

A portrait of a woman with black mid length hair and a black dress, holding a vase of red and white flowers.

Soojeong Herring

Image Forthcoming

Thomas Dowling

Monday — 1pm - 3pm

Natasha Allen

Natasha Allen

Woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses and a black sweater

Ann Marie Mesco

Monday — 3pm - EOD

An old white woman with glasses and wavy long greying brown hair.

Bobbi Fox

A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.

Andromeda Yelton

Tuesday — 8:30am - 11am

Image Forthcoming

Thomas Dowling

An old white woman with glasses and wavy long greying brown hair.

Bobbi Fox

Tuesday — 11am - 1pm

A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.

Andromeda Yelton

A portrait of a woman with black mid length hair and a black dress, holding a vase of red and white flowers.

Soojeong Herring

Tuesday — 1pm - 3pm

Caleb Derven (he/him) is the Head of Digital Scholarship & Library Systems at the University of Limerick.

Caleb Derven

Woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses and a black sweater

Ann Marie Mesco

Tuesday — 3pm - EOD

Natasha Allen

Natasha Allen

Image Forthcoming

Thomas Dowling

Tuesday — Reception

Natasha Allen

Natasha Allen

Caleb Derven (he/him) is the Head of Digital Scholarship & Library Systems at the University of Limerick.

Caleb Derven

Wednesday — 8:30am - 11am

An old white woman with glasses and wavy long greying brown hair.

Bobbi Fox

Caleb Derven (he/him) is the Head of Digital Scholarship & Library Systems at the University of Limerick.

Caleb Derven

Wednesday — 11am - 1pm

A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.

Andromeda Yelton

Natasha Allen

Natasha Allen

Wednesday — Game Night

A white woman looks straight at the camera with a half-smile. She has curly brown hair and glasses. There's a soft white-and-grey cat draped over her shoulder.

Andromeda Yelton

Thursday — Post-Conferences

Woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses and a black sweater

Ann Marie Mesco


8:30am - 11am
Andrew Battelini (Andrew Battelini)
11am - 1pm
Mike Giarlo (mjgiarlo)
1pm - 3pm
Michelle S. Navarro (Michelle S. Navarro)
3pm - EOD
Eric Phetteplace (phette23)
8:30am - 11am
Andrew Battelini (Andrew Battelini)
11am - 1pm
Eric Phetteplace (phette23)
1pm - 3pm
Mike Giarlo (mjgiarlo)
3pm - EOD
Michelle S. Navarro (Michelle S. Navarro)
8:30am - 11am
Kate Lynch (kat3_drx)
11am - 1pm
Soojeong Herring (Soojeong Herring)

Photography Policy

Do not photograph, film, or audio-record anyone at Code4Lib without their expressly-given permission beforehand. Color- and pattern-coded lanyards are available at the registration desk to help indicate the wearer’s preference for photography ONLY. Please note, regardless of lanyards, you must always ask before filming or audio-recording attendees.

Lanyard color code

Photographs always okay, as this represents expressly-given permission beforehand
Ask before photographing
Photographs never okay, don’t ask
Community Support Volunteers, available for any concerns