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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck About Getting Things Done

Productivity advice is overwhelming, with endless systems promising to change your life. I’m not an evangelist for any single system; I’m just a cog in a same flawed machine we’re all part of, trying to get my sh*t done and staving off burnout. I’ve read every productivity book in existence and tried enough task management tools and I have come to the conclusion that they work about as well as fad diets: they can help in the short-term but it’s nearly impossible to stick to one rigorously. If you discard the chaff, though, there are insights to glean from each, and these fundamentals can form the basis of a flexible, individualized productivity system. I’m not offering a one-size-fits-all solution—just the building blocks to help you craft your own.


  • Any system beats no system
  • What feels productive vs. what is productive
  • Identifying what is urgent, what is important, and working backwards from deadlines
  • Daily, weekly, and longer-term planning
  • Protecting your time and focus
  • Work is infinite; You are not; Failure is inevitable
  • Declaring task (or email) bankruptcy
  • Self-care benefits everyone, not just you


3:50 PM
20 minutes